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Reflections on the year
Caroline Barber
April 2022
This is a poignant report to be writing, as it is my last as YCB co-ordinator. It’s been great watching our children grow up
and flourish (and, indeed, bringing their own children back to see us, as happened just this weekend). When Carolyn Jay first
asked (yes, she had to ask more than once – nothing if not tenacious, that one) if I would be interested in helping out at YCB, I
was slightly terrified at the thought. Little did I know what delights that hour spent with the children on a Sunday morning
would bring: insight, wisdom and humour – and not a little spirited recalcitrance at times! I’m sure I speak for all YCB leaders
when I say that teaching the children has helped to develop our own understanding of Jesus’ love for us, and I hope that we
have all have gone some way to returning the favour.
This year, Ann Simmonds, Alison and Andrew Ricketts, Pam and Simon Woodman and Colette Court (assisted by Jo and Tim
Fisher at Forest Church) have continued to provide Sunday morning fun and
teaching, navigating the uncertainties that Covid is still throwing at us. We continue
to pray that the coming year will see an increase in young families joining the All
Hallows congregation, particularly as two of our regular attendees will be moving on
up to WAAG in September. We would welcome your prayers in this, as well as in
finding a new YCB co-ordinator.
Before I go, I thought I’d finish by reminding you of this glorious logo designed by
Joe Harris a few years back – I hope it will live on for many years.