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Regular Giving
Christians are challenged to be generous in every aspect of their lives. It's not only about giving money, but offering hospitality, giving time and using our skills - in our churches, but also in our homes, our workplaces and communities. Giving is the outworking of faith. There are several methods which you can use to make regular donations and the use of the Gift Aid scheme is encouraged for those paying Income Tax.
For further details please contact our Treasurer Andrew Cope through the Contact Us button in the page heading.
Legacy Giving
Many people give regularly to the mission and ministry of the parish. We are stewards of everything we own, not just our income, and gifts in wills are a natural part of that giving.
They are a valuable and lasting way to invigorate the life of our churches and transform its future.
A gift in your will can be an expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving towards God, and can help keep your local church alive, and transform its future. The PCC has written a Legacy Policy confirming that, however large or small, they will use your gift to make a real difference to our church.
If you are considering leaving a gift in your will, or would like to talk in complete confidence about a bequest, please contact our Parish Administrator, who will put you in touch with our Legacy Co-Ordinator.
Easy fundraising
All Hallows Fundraising | Easyfundraising
St Mary Tufton Fundraising | Easyfundraising