Worship is the primary calling of all Christians. For many of us, that just means turning up, which is all any of us needs to do. However, there are many people in our churches who feel called to take a particular responsibility in helping to facilitate the worship of the people of God. If you'd like to join in, we'd love to have you. Various roles are described below, or talk to one of the Church Wardens who can tell you more about it all. Most roles in a service are done on a rota basis, so you are unlikely to be called on too often.
'Server' is a general term for the person who assists the priest. They carry the processional cross, help the priest set up and clear away the communion vessels, and tidy the altar up after the service. If you think you might enjoy being up front of the congregation, but you're not keen to have a speaking role, this might be just the thing for you. Contact Andrew Hobley to find out more.
Would you like to read one of the lessons from Holy Scripture on a Sunday morning at 10.30 am or at Evensong at 6pm? Readers are always needed for services, and it is a great way to be further involved without requiring a large investment of time. If you would like to be involved (even if you feel a little nervous!) speak to one of the Church Wardens or contact them (see the Contact Us pages).
Members of the congregation are involved in leading the prayers of intercession every Sunday morning at the 10.30am service. Advice and guidance is given. Please speak to one of the Church Wardens or contact them (see the Contact Us pages).
Our churches try to give a warm and friendly welcome to everyone who comes through our doors. Assisting with this as people come for worship are the sidespeople, who are normally the first people somebody arriving for worship will see. It is therefore a hugely important role, and we are always looking for more people who are willing to give a small amount of their time and their friendliness to fulfil it! Please speak to one of the Church Wardens or contact them (see the Contact Us pages) if you are interested.
Church Cleaning
If you do not want to make a public appearance, but want to help behind the scenes you can join the Holy Dusters, a small group who gather to clean All Hallows each Monday morning. If interested please contact Hilary Gould 01256 893851.