Brian Heasley, whose book "Be Still" is in the All Hallows Church Library, writes ....
".... I had faith and I had doubt. I had to learn to live with both but I had to choose which one to feed and cultivate.......I fully believe that prayer - a devotion to relationship, encounter, and conversation with God -is the root of all we do..
Jesus actively sought out times and places to pray: he went to the desert, to the mountain, to the garden, to the temple. His prayer life had intentionality, and that intentionality was fuelled by desire to spend time with his Father."
Every Day
The first page of our website has a new prayer every day and a link to The Church of England Prayer for the Day
Prayer for peace during UK rioting and unrest
Click here to join in the Evangelical Alliance's Prayer for Peace
Prayer Triplets
This is simply 3 people who commit to pray together on a regular basis, frequency to be
decided by the group. It is such a helpful means to be faithful in prayer. Some prayer triplets
have a WhatsApp group to share requests for prayer or thanksgivings or just matters of
interest! Are there a couple of friends that you can imagine praying with? Why not give it a
go? If you are interested but can’t think who you could pray with then contact Catherine
Geddes who may be able to put you in touch with someone else who would like to pray like
Friday mornings
9am All Hallows
We meet on Friday mornings in All Hallows at 9am in the welcome area to pray for the
parish (church and town). It takes the form on Morning Prayer with opportunities for people
to join in prayer, either spoken or silently.
Please join us if you are able.
For more information please contact Philip Geddes.
Mobile: 07884 234142
Friday Prayer for Young People
Approximately 9.30 on Friday mornings following morning prayer.
This was born out of an appreciation of our grandparent’s generation praying for us and we
wanted to pray for our children and young people. Do please join us. If you are new to the
area and would like us to pray for your children, please contact me
( We use first names only and bless each of them individually in
Jesus Name.
Prayer for Whitchurch
First Saturday of every month usually at Dorrie’s 9.00 a.m.
Please contact me at if you would like more details.
Contemplative Prayer & Julian Meeting
First Sunday of every month at 5pm. All Hallows welcome area by the font.
Contemplative prayer can be described as: "Waiting upon God; listening for God; opening
ourselves to God; responding to the invitation to meet God in silent awareness. The prayer of
the heart. In contemplative prayer we seek to be aware of the presence of God and to remain
silently and attentively in that presence, completely open to God." Our meetings take about
forty minutes, thirty of which are spent sitting together in silence.
If you would like to ask any questions about what we do and why we do it then please email